
Our Vision and Mission Statements

Vision: Vibrant grasslands and prosperous forage crops on Manitoba’s agricultural lands.

Mission: Promoting the economic prosperity and environmental benefits of forages, grasslands, cover crops and healthy soils to benefit our forage and grassland producers, local communities and society.


Recent Posts

Year Two of MFGA Bird Survey Taking Off On the Wings of Soil Health

2024 MFGA Bird Survey Wingspans Nine MFGA-network Regenerative Agriculture Farms across Six types of Farm Operations 

Winnipeg, MB (June 27, 2024) Expert bird surveyors are putting their eyes and ears to work on nine regenerative agriculture-practicing farms as Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA)’s second consecutive bird survey wingspans across six different types of farming operations.

The Proof Is In The Pasture

by Duncan Morrison, MFGA Executive Director

June 11, 2024 - The interaction of soils and civilizations have had a long-documented, sometimes tumultuous and occasionally devasting historical relationship.

In fact, it takes only a quick Google search on topic to find out more about long-ago societies that had depended largely on agriculture and access to water that saw the productivity of their lands dramatically reduced because of soil erosion, accumulation of salinity, and nutrient depletion.

2024 MFGA Regenerative Agriculture Conference Gets Boost From Holistic Management Canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba (May 10, 2024) – A fulsome farm family focus will be featured at the 2024 Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) Regenerative Agriculture Conference thanks to a recent partnership between Holistic Management Canada (HMC) and MFGA that will see some of the family-based trademarks of a HMC conference at the annual and well-attended MFGA conference. Registration opened earlier this week online at MFGA.net.


 Muchos Grasses to our 2024/25 MFGA Supporters!

MFGA continues to draw support from the best of the best in the agriculture and conservation communities.
If you would like to become a MFGA Supporter - details are found here!

2024/25 MFGA Annual Platinum Supporters

2024/25 MFGA Annual Gold Supporters

2024/25 MFGA Project Partners


All 2024/25 MFGA Annual Supporters