Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Time: 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives Brookdale Farm (corner of highway 10 and 353)
Manitoba Farm Safety Program is hosting a safe and low stress cattle handling workshop, geared towards anyone who works with cattle (farm owner, farm workers, and farm families). The workshop is a blend of theory and hands-on training with cattle.
Participants will learn how low stress cattle handling benefits animal welfare and worker safety, how to assess and improve the safety of cattle handling facilities, and how to improve communication within your team to increase efficiency and lower stress. Participants are required to bring CSA approved safety footwear (if you want the opportunity to interact with cattle).
Cost: $35 - Includes beef-on-a-bun lunch and coffee break.
Trainer: Reg Stewart
Please bring CSA approved safety footwear (if you want the opportunity to interact with cattle).
To register: click here.