Connecting our livestock with our grazing lands

About MGE: Brand new Web Portal Designed to Connect Manitoba Grain Farmers and Livestock Producers

The connection between annual crop farmers and grazers just got a lot stronger today, thanks to the launch of the Manitoba Grazing Exchange (MGE) website today by the Manitoba Organic Alliance (MOA) and Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA).

“As a part of our larger project, “Improving soil stewardship on Manitoba organic farms”, we have designed a grazing exchange website to make it easier for livestock producers to connect with grain producers,” said Karen Klassen, MOA Executive Director. “The goal of the MGE is to virtually connect farmers who have available grazing pasture or cover crop fields with livestock owners/ranchers who are seeking grazing land through an interactive map.”

Read the full MFGA/MOA Media Release.

Media attention

May 17, 2023 - Farmer seeking grazier: Matching crop and livestock producers to graze cropland
Manitoba and Nova Scotia farm groups are connecting producers interested in integrating livestock into crop production

Getting livestock back on the landscape — that is the goal for the Manitoba Grazing Exchange and a Living Labs initiative in Nova Scotia. And it benefits more than the livestock. Read the full article on Canadian Cattlemen.

December 9, 2021 - MOA, MFGA teaming up to launch grazing exchange
Website will be based on South Dakota grazing exchange model

A platform to connect livestock farmers and crop farmers with land they’d like grazed will go live early in the new year, says the Manitoba Organic Alliance (MOA). The group is teaming up with the Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) to launch the online platform, but all producers are welcome to use the service, said Karen Klassen, MOA’s program director. “We just know at MOA that this is a great fit for our grain farmers,” Klassen said. Read the full MB Cooperator article