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Agri-Product Trends for the Future – Opportunities in the Hemp and CBD Sector

Manitoba Agriculture is hosting a Breakfast session on Thursday Jan 23 at the 2020 Ag Days from 7:30-9:30 am in Salon B for Agricultural producers, commodity groups and others interested in adding value to Manitoba agriculture products! 

This session will feature a panel demonstrating the Hemp and CBD value chain.  The panel includes:

·        Chris Federowich, a hemp grower from the Parkland region,

·        Lyall Bates of Hemp Sense Inc, a hemp agri-product processor and Manitoba’s first CBD processor and supplier, followed by

·        Mark Smolenski of BioScision, a CBD pharmaceutical product development company. 

The panel will be sharing their experiences in developing the Hemp Sector in western Canada, specifically, the process for identifying and evaluating opportunities, and some of the lessons learned. The panel will also address opportunities in the Hemp and CBD market for agricultural producers and industry organizations and partners.

Discussion will follow looking to identify potential interests, discover what would help facilitate these enterprises and encourage those open to opportunities to consider Value Added Agriculture.

This invite has been sent to a small select audience – we will be facilitating an engaged discussion as to the opportunities in Value Added Agriculture.  The intent is to encourage more interest in value added, profiling Manitoba stories and promoting resources and services that are available to support entrepreneurs as they go forward.

This forum will be hosted with a free breakfast from 7:30-9:30am, in Salon B at the Keystone Centre. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

We look forward to your participation! 

RSVP by January 20, 2020 to or by phone at 204-761-0551.

Earlier Event: January 21
Manitoba Ag Days
Later Event: January 25
Whole Farm & Ranch Planning Course