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DUC Grazing Club Event: Dr. Fred Provenza Workshops

All workshops start at 10am. Lunch provided. Wrap up by 3:30pm.

MBFI - Tuesday March 17
Glenboro Theatre - Wednesday March 18
Pipestone Community Hall - Thursday March 19

Dr. Provenza was a faculty member in the Department of Range Science from 1982 to 2009. He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University.

For the past 30 years, his group has produced ground-breaking research that laid the foundations for what is now known as behavior-based management of landscapes. That work inspired researchers in disciplines as diverse as chemical ecology, ruminant nutrition, human nutrition and biopsychology, animal welfare, landscape restoration ecology, wildlife damage management, pasture and rangeland science and management, and rural sociology and eco-development.


  • Understanding animal nutrition

  • How do grazing animals (nutritional wisdom)

  • Grazing management

There will be lots of time for questions and discussion.

Registration is $25 payable at the door.

Please call (text) or email Michael Thiele to RSVP: 204-365-6334

Earlier Event: March 17
Dr. Fred Provenza Workshops
Later Event: March 20
2020 Manitoba Farm Safety Conference