MFGA-led Reports, Fact Sheets, Research


Grazing Ruminants: A Long-Term Solution to Agriculture Profitability, Productivity and Climate Change

Grazing ruminants are an integral part of the long-term success of agriculture production systems. It was grazing ruminants that allowed the deep rich topsoil of the prairies around the world to develop as they migrated across the landscape in concert with a plethora of diversity.

Manitoba Rangeland and Pasture Health Initiative

People making decisions about the use of natural grasslands (ie. rangelands) in Manitoba are at a disadvantage to those in Alberta and Saskatchewan in obtaining information about grassland plant community composition, successional status, forage production potential and effects of different land management practices (eg. different types of grazing, industrial disturbance, prescribed burning).

Argentina Forage Finished Beef

This 6-page brochure is a summary of the Technology Transfer Mission – Argentina Forage Finished Beef.

A Guide to Integrated Brush Management on the Western Canadian Plains

The manual has been designed to present a wide variety of options for controlling or managing woody plant growth. Each chapter details the method, timing of application, equipment needed, costs, impacts on biodiversity, and some actual examples. Finally, the monitoring chapter provides step by-step guidelines on how to evaluate brush encroachment and the success of control efforts.

Pasture Planner – A guide for developing your grazing system

The 49-page Pasture Planner was developed to assist with the development and/or modification of the existing grazing system. This publication contains information on stocking, watering, animal control, fencing, facilities, pasture assessment and more.

Producing Forage Finished Beef in Manitoba

This 28-page booklet has been produced by MFGA for those producers interested in delving into this niche market. The document provides a detailed description of the elements required to produce high quality beef on a forage-only diet. Thank you to our supporters: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Technical Assistance Component, Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

Decision Support Materials for Comparison for Productive, Economical & Environmental Efficiencies of Beef Production Systems in Manitoba

A series of 2 projects completed which contains 5 Technical Bulletins, these materials can assist beef producers in making informed decisions related to different aspects of cow-calf operations by allowing them to evaluate the potential outcomes of alternative beef production systems.

Grass-fed Beef Model

These interactive spreadsheets will help you determine your costs and return for the production of grass fed beef.